ALL of the services we provide are for Grand Prairie residents only. GPUC provides the following programs for Grand Prairie residents when funding is available:
THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS BASKETS - For more information, see below.
ON-SITE FOOD PANTRY - Food assistance is provided to our clients once every 30 days to Grand Prairie residents living in Tarrant and Dallas Counties. This includes non-perishable items as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, pastries, and breads. To access our pantry service, bring in an ID with a Grand Prairie address for each household member, fill out an application and food request sheet, and take home food that day!
UTILITY, RENT/SHELTER/MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE - If needed, financial assistance can be utilized by our clients once every 12 months, contingent on funding. To apply for financial assistance, please submit, in person, the required documentation (no substitutions please) AND the completed Financial Application (download below). Due to funding criteria, Section 8 is not eligible for Rent Assistance.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the number of caseloads, please allow 5-15 business days. However, we are dedicated to assisting our clients as quickly as possible.
THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS BASKETS - Both baskets must be applied for separately. One basket per household per holiday. Dates and times for applications will be posted, so please check back often.
SNAP - FORMERLY KNOWN AS FOOD STAMPS - For information, please call the North Texas Food Bank:
English (214) 330-1396 x3144
Spanish (214) 952-0070
A representative is at our office on the Second and Fourth Thursdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
PEOPLE AND NUTRITION (PAN) - People and Nutrition is a commodity supplemental program providing nutritious foods at no cost to qualified participants 60 years of age and older. The program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Texas Department of Human Services, North Texas Food Bank, Catholic Charities of Dallas, Inc. and Grand Prairie United Charities.
All eligible participants must live in Grand Prairie and must meet governmental guidelines. One does not have to be a U.S. citizen to be eligible; however, WIC participants are NOT eligible for PAN.
People and Nutrition (PAN) is distributed the first Thursday of every month via Door Dash.